2024 First Quarter Analytics

Research & AnalysisJanuary 15, 2024

How many new pages of content did installations create last quarter?

Web managers created a total of 326 new pages on EPW in the last quarter. It's important to note that the total excludes data from calendar events, and directory pages.

  • The engagement rate for EPW was 56%
  • There were a total of 4,427,923 views
  • There were a total of 1,691,791 users made a visit to EPW last quarter
  • Of those users 1,590,290 are new

Insights & Recommendations


  1. To enhance discoverability and accessibility of key content on the MWR website, we recommend implementing "Pinned Search Terms" or "Sticky Search." This method allows content managers to associate specific search terms with a page, ensuring it prominently appears at the top of search results for these queries. 

  2. Share real-life stories and testimonials from Soldiers and Families who have benefited from FAP services. This personal touch can be highly effective in encouraging others to seek help.

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  1. Establish individual landing pages for Disney on each Army MWR installation. These pages will serve as a centralized hub for all Disney-related information pertinent to each specific installation.

  2. Develop a standardized paragraph at the HQ level to be included on each installation's Disney page

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  1. Over the last quarter, the CYS pages attracted a significant number of users, totaling 211,685 users. Findings reveal a conversion rate of 6.93% of users clicking on a WebTrack link. This figure is instrumental in understanding the extent to which the CYS pages are not only attracting users but also successfully encouraging them to interact with the content.

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Support Services

  1. NAF Personal Services Organic Search traffic increased by 31.2%. This rise suggests enhanced visibility and discoverability of the site on search engines, potentially due to improved SEO strategies or increased relevance of site content to user search queries.  Direct Traffic experienced a significant decrease (-47.7%). This decline might be attributed to the relocation of key pages, which could have temporarily disrupted direct access by users. 

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