Recipe: Burger, Turkey Pesto/Kale

Business OpsMarch 29, 2019

Recipe: Burger, Turkey Pesto/Kale (HAC)

Yield: 1 Portion

Ingredients: Qty. /UOM:
Roll, Whole Wheat 4” (2.1oz.) (European Bakers, USF#5779368) 1 each
Turkey, PTY Burger Raw- 5.33oz (Chef’s Line, USF#9775446) 1 each
Tomato, Sun Dried Strips, diced small .25 oz.
Sauce Pesto Kale W/O Nut (Roseli, USF#8203448) .5 oz. (1 tsp)
Cheese, Mozzarella, SHRED (Low moist -Part Skim) (USF#7332372) .5 oz.
Arugula, Baby Fresh REF GRN .5 oz.
SALT, KO GRND CORSE BOX .08 oz. (0.13 tsp.)
SPICE, PPR BLK .1 GR SS FLAT .08 oz. (0.13 tsp)


  1. Pre-heat grill or griddle to high heat.
  2. Grill turkey burger patty over high-heat until cooked through, or until reaches internal temperature of 165F for 15 seconds, seasoned with the salt and pepper. Then topped with the sun-dried tomato and the cheese. Melted the cheese.
  3. Assembled the burger in the following order; bottom bread, burger with sun dried tomato and cheese, pesto, arugula, and top bread. Secure with toothpicks and serve.


Calories 489.06
Protein (gm) 41.09
Calories from Fat 207.60
Total Fat (gm) 24.23
Saturated Fat (gm) 5.43
Trans Fat (gm) 0.0
Cholesterol (mg) 115.45
Sodium (mg) 2148.24
Carbohydrate (gm) 33.08
Dietary Fiber (gm) 5.81
Sugars (gm) 5.72
*Nutritionals values are subject to change.

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